The 2020 Algae Biomass Summit is Going Virtual: Registration is Now Open

The new online program for the world’s largest algae conference will focus on sharing commercial and scientific progress, enhanced networking, and increased collaboration from around the world

The 2020 Algae Biomass Summit is going virtual! In light of the continued uncertainty around the global COVID-19 outbreak the Algae Biomass Organization feels that transitioning this important event to a virtual format is the best way to move our industry forward and also prioritize the health and safety of our attendees.

We are updating our 2020 program to take advantage of virtual tools that will give our attendees even better access to the commercial and scientific progress that is shared every year at the world’s largest algae conference. We will also leverage online platforms to offer even more networking and collaboration opportunities for the scientists, entrepreneurs, companies and investors that are driving algae innovation forward.

New Pricing

Taking the Summit online means that more people than ever can explore opportunities in the algae industry. Registration is open now and includes access to all of the Summit’s online events, nearly 100 speaker presentations and invaluable networking opportunities.  Session recordings will also be available to all attendees.

2020 Summit Registration Rates

Register before June 1st and get $50 off!


  ABO members** Non-members
Standard Rate* $329 $579
Early Bird Rate* $279 $529
*Groups of 5 or more from the same organization can qualify for special rates. Contact for more information.
**Join ABO today to support algae industry advocacy and get the best rate at the Summit.


A Flexible Schedule with More Opportunities for Networking

Rather than a busy three-day sprint of multiple overlapping sessions, the Summit’s 2020 programming will be spread over several weeks this Fall. This will allow attendees to easily schedule their participation, and provide more networking opportunities that can lead to meaningful connections.

One Registration: Three Opportunities to Engage and Network

In August, we’ll start the Summit with a bi-weekly series of special “Industry Spotlight” Sessions. These 90-minute sessions will bring together experts from across the supply chain to explore the algae opportunity in specific market segments. Topics will include algae in polymers, human nutrition, carbon capture, ecosystem services and more. Each webinar will include opportunities to network with speakers and participants.



On September 8-10, we will host keynote speakers, plenary panels, and intensive networking. This will be where the Summit explores the global potential of our conference theme this year: Algae 2020 – Sustainable, Scalable Solutions. Each session will be followed by live Q&A and networking events.




September 14-30 will consist of the Summit’s technical and breakout programming, with sessions from our Topical Tracks. We will also host the Young Innovators Lounge for those looking to advance a career in algae, our annual Poster Session judging, and more networking opportunities that will keep the momentum in the industry going strong.



More Opportunities for Exhibitors, Sponsors and Presenters

A virtual conference will give Summit exhibitors, sponsors and presenters a larger potential audience than ever before. Algae innovators and enthusiasts from around the world will be able to attend the Summit and discover who is leading this industry into the future. And our extended format means more opportunities to engage than would be available in a typical live event.

Enhanced Connections and Networking

A virtual Summit will offer unprecedented networking opportunities. In the coming weeks ABO will be unveiling new tools that will make connections between our attendees, speakers, and exhibitors easier, and more relevant, than ever.

An Exciting Transition

Although we wish the circumstances demanding this transition were different, ABO’s Board of Directors and staff are excited about what a virtual Algae Biomass Summit can offer. In the coming weeks we will be making more details available at the Summit website, and in our regular communications.

If you have any questions or ideas about how this new format can make the Summit better than ever please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.  We welcome your input.

If you would like to participate in the virtual Summit, we are still accepting abstract proposals for speaking and poster presentations. Fill out the abstract form here.

See you online at the 2020 Algae Biomass Summit! Register today to take advantage of the early bird rates.