Algae Farmers and the 2020 Census of Agriculture

The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture is gearing up for the 2022 Census of Agriculture by tuning up their lists of farms and adding new farmers. This official count of U.S. farms and ranches, and the people that operate them, is a vital tool for federal agencies to determine the value and importance of U.S. agriculture operations as they make policy decisions. Microalgae and macroalgae farmers are encouraged to participate.

The NAA believes that with the decline in the number of aquaculture extension specialists and reduced surveying of aquaculture production by state agricultural statistics services, there has been a significant decline in the communication of commercial aquatic farmer contact information to NASS. 

We need algae farmers of all kinds to join the NASS Census so that the algae industry is counted!
Algae producers that are interested in participating should send their contact information (name, title, company, address, phone and email) to Rebecca White at by May 31, 2020.