Algae and Sustainable Aviation Fuels at the Summit

Featured Panel at the Algae Biomass Summit
Madison, Wisconsin
Monday, October 9 at 9:00am

Discover the latest algae and seaweed opportunities during this special plenary panel at the 2023 Algae Biomass Summit.

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are finding unprecedented support in policy, as well as investments in Europe and the United States. Algae and seaweeds are positioned to become a key source of these fuels, and recent technological advances are driving down production costs and improving carbon reduction potentials in line with the goals of the US Department of Energy’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge.

During this moderator-led panelist session, participants will hear from algae companies in the SAF space, as well as policy and technical experts supporting these initiatives.

Speakers Include

Oliver Fetzer

Chief Executive Officer

Paul Bertels

Agricultural Leader and Economist

David Hazlebeck

Chief Executive Officer

Dan Levy

Vice President

Moderated by:
Ed Arnold

Senior Carbon Consultant