Algae Biomass Organization Welcomes Clearas Water Recovery, Valensa and Zivo Bioscience as New Members

WASHINGTON, DC (May 22, 2017) The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO), the trade association for the algae industry, today announced Clearas Water Recovery, Valensa Interntional and Zivo Bioscience as its newest Silver members. The three leaders in algae technology and products join the growing ranks of companies and organizations that are working with ABO to develop algae into a sustainable source of human nutrition, animal feeds, water treatment services, chemicals, fuels, and countless other products.

“The ever-growing number of market applications make it an exciting time for algae right now,” said Matt Carr, executive director of the Algae Biomass Organization. “All three of these companies exhibit the impressive potential that this industry has for making a positive impact in two areas critical for human health: nutrition and water treatment.”

Montana-based CLEARAS Water Recovery is the leading provider of advanced, biological-based, water treatment technologies for municipal and industrial point source dischargers. Their proprietary Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery (ABNRTM) technology leverages algae’s biological benefits in a carefully controlled and continuous flow environment that removes/recovers nitrogen, phosphorus and other harmful constituents found in industrial water discharge and wastewater effluent.

Headquartered in Eustis, Florida USA (near Orlando), Valensa International is a leading science- based developer and provider of high quality nature-sourced products for nutritional supplements and functional foods. Valensa’s certified organic production facilities are located in a protected pine/saw palmetto grove. Valensa International is the proud owner of more than 60 US and International Patents for Formulations and Manufacturing (Deep Extract® Supercritical CO2 and O2B® Peroxidation Blocker stabilization.)

ZIVO Bioscience, Inc. is a Michigan-based biotech company engaged in the investigation of the health benefits of nutritive components derived from its proprietary algal cultures, and the development of natural bioactive compounds for use as dietary supplements and food ingredients, as well as biologically derived and synthetic candidates for medicinal and pharmaceutical applications in humans and animals, specifically focused on autoimmune and inflammatory response modulation.

Products made from algae are the natural solution to the energy, food, economic and climate challenges facing the world today. This tiny but powerful organism has the ability to simultaneously put fuels in vehicles, reuse CO2, provide nutrition for animals and people, and create jobs for millions of Americans.

About the Algae Biomass Organization

The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) is a 501 c(6) non-profit whose mission is to promote the development of viable commercial markets for renewable and sustainable commodities derived from algae. Its membership is comprised of people, companies, and organizations across the value chain. More information about ABO, including its leadership, membership, costs, benefits, and members and their affiliations, is available at the website: