Groups Ask Senators to Authorize DOE Funding for Interagency Project on Military Biofuel

WASHINGTON, D.C. -April 25, 2012- Energy security is a vital part of national security; we can improve energy security with advanced biofuel production in the U.S. The Biotechnology Industry Organization, the Advanced BioFuel Association, the Algae Biomass Organization, Airlines for America, and the National Farm Bureau Federation today wrote leaders of the Senate Appropriations Committee asking them to include authorization for the U.S. Department of Energy to transfer funds to the Defense Production Act necessary for an interagency project to ramp up production of military aviation and diesel fuels.

The letter states:

“Advanced biofuels and other alternatives can replace military fuels derived from crude oil without disruptions or changes to existing equipment or infrastructure while reducing dependence upon oil imports. DOE’s ability to direct funds to this initiative will further its mission to “ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.” It will also build on past DPA successes that have resulted in domestic production capacity for valued defense materials, such as silicon carbide ceramics (used in nuclear reactors), indium phosphide and gallium arsenide (used in lasers and semiconductors), as well as aluminum and titanium, which are ubiquitous in nearly all major weapons systems.”


About the Algae Biomass Organization

The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) is a 501 c(6) non-profit whose mission is to promote the development of viable commercial markets for renewable and sustainable commodities derived from algae. Its membership is comprised of people, companies and organizations across the value chain. More information about ABO, including its leadership, membership, costs, benefits and members and their affiliations, is available at the

About BIO

BIO represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products. BIO also produces the BIO International Convention, the world’s largest gathering of the biotechnology industry, along with industry-leading investor and partnering meetings held around the world. BIO produces BIOtech NOW, an online portal and monthly newsletter chronicling “innovations transforming our world.” Subscribe to BIOtech NOW.

About ABFA

As a leading voice for America’s domestic biofuels industry, the Advanced Biofuels Association, ABFA, represents companies deploying advanced and renewable technologies that are helping drive America’s new economy by creating jobs, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels while fueling a sustainable future for the world. A national organization based in Washington, D.C., the ABFA supports federal investment while encouraging public policies that are consistent, technology neutral, utilize sustainable feedstocks and offer subsidy parity. For more information


Nate Kommers, for the Algae Biomass Organization
206-625-0075 x2,