Get a close look at the latest products being made with algae! This year we are including the first Algae Product Showcase at the Algae Biomass Summit. Stop by and check out how algae is being harnessed by innovators around the world to make new ingredients for food, nutritional supplements, cosmetics, fertilizers, energy, plastics and more.
The Algae Product Showcase will be part of this year’s exhibit hall at the Algae Biomass Summit in Phoenix, Arizona, October 23-26. Each display will include a product sample, product details and manufacturer contact information.
Participation is completely free! If you would like to have your own product featured please check out the rules and regulations and application form at the Summit website. All algae-derived products, or products containing algae based-ingredients are eligible to apply.
Apply today! Deadline is September 2, 2016!
For more information, please contact: