Algae Industry Tackling Global Malnutrition

We produce enough food to feed the word.

Malnutrition and acute hunger seen across the globe are not problems of availability, but of access and inequality.

The algae industry has been hard at work to address the barriers of access and inequality found within the global food supply. In Tess Riley’s article in The Guardian two organizations are featured – Antenna India and Antenna Spirulina – that are working together to develop spirulina programs that address malnutrition.

Those living in poverty in developing countries can use spirulina as a resource to access good quality protein. Spirulina has “the lowest land use per unit of protein and unit of human digestible energy”, which benefits the environment and improves food security.

Antenna India has realized spirulina’s potential and is currently growing spirulina to put within sweets for malnourished children. The organization also offers women in self-help microcredit programs low cost spirulina that is sold for profit within their own businesses. Antenna Spirulina supports Antenna India by selling the spirulina that is cultivate and turned into pills in India in Europe.

Learn more about how spirulina is bringing nutritional benefits as well as economic independence to individuals living in poverty here.