ABO Calls for Robust Renewable Fuel Standard

The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) submitted comments to the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy yesterday calling on Congress to ensure that the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) includes timely approval for advanced biofuel pathways as well as requirements for advanced biofuel volumes that match production capacity.

Read ABO’s full comments here.

A robust Renewable Fuel Standard is key to ensuring there is a market for advanced biofuels such as those derived from algae, for developing new technologies and for reducing harmful emissions the come from using fossil fuels.

ABO’s comments note that several leading algae companies have partnered with major oil and refining companies seeking to meet their RFS obligations. These have helped accelerate the progress of algae-derived fuels, and were driven in significant part by the Renewable Fuels Standard.

The comments describe that positive signals from the federal government are vital when it comes to encouraging this kind of progress:

“Actions in Congress and at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to weaken the RFS have done real damage to advanced biofuels development. Ongoing discussion in Congress of repeal or reversal has chilled investment. EPA’s failure to approve proposed advanced biofuel pathways in a timely manner has further stalled development. And EPA’s 2014 proposal to roll back advanced biofuels volumes has shaken confidence in the core tenet of the RFS – market assurance for advanced biofuels developers.”

Uncertainty surrounding the RFS is only holding back the benefits these new fuel technologies can bring to our energy security, our economy and our environment.