World Algae

The holiday might seem to be a time to slow down, but algae entrepreneurs have  found a way to stay busy. In the last week we’ve already seen three separate announcements for new algae facilities…and none of them are in the United States.

  • In Dubai Lootah Biofuels will work with a Singapore-based algae firm AlgaOil to grow algae in desert regions.
  • In Greece two algae entrepreneurs are looking at using algae-derived products to give that county’s economy a much-needed boost (OK, so this was announced earlier in the year, but it came up on the radar again this week.)
  • Spanish photobioreactor supplier Algasol announced a collaboration with Italian  industrial equipment provider GIAN.MAI srl for a 20 hectare that will be used for CO2 remediation, treating wastewater and producing biomass.

Given algae’s ability to grow fast with minimal impacts on the environment, and the host of valuable fuels and other products that can come the organisms, there is little wonder we are seeing the beginnings of a global algae race.

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