Today Senators are considering an amendment to the 2012 farm bill that could improve America’s prospects for new supplies of domestic fuels from algae. Congress needs to hear that there is strong support for mandatory funding in the farm bill’s energy title.
This morning the Senate Agriculture Committee begins marking up the draft of the 2012 Farm Bill, which includes an energy title that supports the algae industry’s efforts to help our country become more energy independent. “Marking up” refers to the process where Senators can make changes to a bill before it is put to a vote by the entire Senate.
One important change for algae is anticipated today: a bipartisan amendment to provide real and substantial funding for the farm bill’s energy title, put forth by Senators Dick Lugar (R-IN) and Kent Conrad (D-ND). As you might guess, the energy title supports many kinds of domestic biofuel development, and making that support mandatory is the best way to ensure algae programs play a role in our energy future.
Make sure you contact your Senators to tell them you support the amendment to restore funding to critical farm bill energy programs that is offered today by Senator’s Lugar and Conrad.
ABO has already submitted a letter of support to the Senate Agriculture Committee, and more voices will further demonstrate the support this policy has among those that would like to see algae-based biofuels help America achieve her energy goals.