Algenuity Launches New Food Color Platform Based on Chlorella

ABO member Algenuity announced this month that is has launched its ground-breaking Chlorella Colours platform for the food industry. The new colors are made possible by innovations in strain development that result in both performance and production improvements for ingredients that are used in everything from foods and drinks, to supplements and other products. 

Natural and sustainable color ingredients for food products are often difficult to produce, or suffer from performance problems when it comes to odor and taste. Algenuity has overcome these challenges by developing a strain that contains almost no chlorophyll, but retains the valuable color attributes that are in demand in markets for vegan, protein-rich, or whole-cell ingredients. 

Chlorella Colours’ yellow, lime and white hues can also be produced with heterotrophic production methods, so they don’t need sunlight to grow. This means they can be made in controlled conditions that overcome some of the operational challenges that come with producing pure algae-based products at scale. 

Read more about Chlorella Colours here.