Algae Biomass Summit Launches White House Petition to Encourage EPA to Approve CO2 Recycling as Emissions Reduction Strategy

WASHINGTON, DC–(Marketwired – Sep 30, 2014) –  The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) today announced that it has initiated a “We the People” petition to the White House and called for those who support common sense, market-driven, job-creating and emissions-reducing technologies to sign the petition, located here:

This is another step in ABO’s continued efforts to secure Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval of carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies to meet the emissions reductions targets set by the agency.

The announcement was made at the 8th Annual Algae Biomass Summit, taking place in San Diego and featuring more than 600 of the world’s leading algae researchers, scientists, entrepreneurs, labs, startups and global Fortune 500 companies.

“We need EPA and those involved in the power generation industry to recognize that algae and other technologies can convert waste carbon into a range of valuable products,” said Matt Carr, Executive Director of the Algae Biomass Organization. “Algae need CO2 in order to grow, making waste CO2 from power plants a valuable input. We believe the EPA should recognize this value and encourage the recycling of waste CO2.”

“We need to look no further than the aluminum industry for a parallel. More than 70 percent of the total aluminum ever produced has been recycled into valuable products and is in use today. The industry saves more than 90 percent of the energy costs required to produce products,” continued Carr. “More than 670,000 jobs are supported and the industry produces $152 billion in economic impact. We have a similar opportunity with recycling of carbon — and EPA acknowledgement of the potential for CCU is key for our industry to reach its full potential.”

The text of the petition reads as follows:

“The EPA should encourage states to meet CO2 reduction goals by allowing the recycling of CO2 via carbon capture & utilization (CCU) technology. This common sense approach reduces overall emissions, creates a revenue stream for utilities that offsets the cost of compliance, keeps rates low for taxpayers and stimulates economic development and job creation across the country.

Technologies are now available to utilize CO2 captured from power plants and fed directly to organisms like bacteria and algae, which can be converted into valuable products, such as fuels and chemicals, animal feed and human nutrition. The Clean Power Plan should recognize CCU as a viable pathway for compliance with new rules.”

“It’s important that people understand this petition is not algae-specific,” continued Carr. “We’re calling on anyone who can beneficially reuse waste carbon to join us in this petition and push the EPA to accept carbon capture and utilization as a viable emissions reduction strategy.”

Products made from algae are the natural solution to the energy, food, economic and climate challenges facing the world today. This tiny but powerful organism has the ability to simultaneously put fuels in vehicles, reuse CO2, provide nutrition for animals and people and create jobs for millions of Americans. More information can be found

About the Algae Biomass Organization

The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) is a 501 c(6) non-profit whose mission is to promote the development of viable commercial markets for renewable and sustainable commodities derived from algae. Its membership is comprised of people, companies and organizations across the value chain. More information about ABO, including its leadership, membership, costs, benefits and members and their affiliations, is available at the