Nominations to the Board of Directors

Dear ABO members,

The leadership of the Algae Biomass Organization is critical in moving the industry toward commercialization. At this time, we are seeking nominations for the Board.

There are eight positions up for election in 2014. This term of service will be from May 2014 through May 2016. Positions up for re-election are:
-Mark Allen, Accelergy Corporation
-John Benemann, MicroBio Engineering
-Tom Byrne, Algaedyne Corporation
-Julie Felgar, The Boeing Company
-Greg Mitchell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
-Joel Murdock, FedEx Express
-Philip Pienkos, NREL
-James Rekoske, UOP/Honeywell

Per the ABO by-laws, the goal of recruitment is to identify 1.5 candidates for each of the 8 open positions or 12 candidates as a minimum.

The Director Recruitment committee consists of:
-Tim Burns, BioProcess Algae (
-Jose Olivares, Los Alamos National Labs (
-Tim Zenk, Sapphire Energy (

The Director Recruitment process will occur on the following schedule:

  • Solicitations of candidates – Beginning on December 1, 2013
    • Candidates will be requested to provide:
      • A current resume or CV
      • Statement of interest on why they should be considered for the Board
      • A recent portrait photograph (jpg or eps)
  • Slate of candidates identified for the ABO Board – February 2014
  • Candidate interviews – February-March 2014
  • Three week election period – April 2014
  • Terms of service commence May 2014
Directors are expected to:
  • Continuously be a member in good standing
  • Actively participate on one ABO committee
  • Attend 70% of all Board calls; Board calls on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, 11:00 a.m. CT
  • Attend two in-person meetings: September/October as part of the Algae Biomass Summit; and a Board Retreat in January/February;  expenses to be covered on own
  • Be active in membership recruitment and retention

How to apply:
-Please submit your interest to become a board candidate to Barb Scheevel, ABO Administrative Coordinator, at by December 31, 2013.

Please talk to your current Board members about this opportunity for more information and insight about serving as a Director on the ABO Board.


Mary Rosenthal
Executive Director
Algae Biomass Organization