Support our Troops

By Mary Rosenthal,
executive director, Algae Biomass Organization

One of the most popular bumper stickers and signs you see on the roads today read “Support our Troops.” Yesterday the U.S. Senate voted to support our troops – as well as the biofuels industry, the national economy and our overall national security by stripping language from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which would have prohibited the Department of Defense from purchasing alternative fuel unless it was cost-competitive with traditional fossil fuel.

In today’s Digest, Mary Rosenthal, executive director of the Algae Biomass Organization, explores the implications of yesterday’s Senate vote, and next steps, and the impact for men and women serving in harm’s way – and not without a spoonful of eloquence – it’s a stirring read, today at

One of the most popular bumper stickers and signs you see on the roads today read “Support our Troops.” Yesterday the U.S. Senate voted to support our troops – as well as the biofuels industry, the national economy and our overall national security by stripping language from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which would have prohibited the Department of Defense from purchasing alternative fuel unless it was cost-competitive with traditional fossil fuel.

In today’s Digest, Mary Rosenthal, executive director of the Algae Biomass Organization, explores the implications of yesterday’s Senate vote, and next steps, and the impact for men and women serving in harm’s way – and not without a spoonful of eloquence – it’s a stirring read, today at

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