Advanced Biofuels Meeting at White House

Leaders of the Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA), the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) and Algal Biomass Organization (ABO) met this week at the White House with representatives of the Obama Administration to emphasize the vital role the advanced biofuels industry plays in achieving America’s energy security while strengthening the nation’s economy by creating premium new jobs.

The three groups, which represent more than 100 advanced biofuels, renewable chemicals and bio-based product member companies, delivered a letter last week to President Obama, thanking him for his “commitment to developing secure, sustainable, domestic alternatives to imported petroleum.”

The joint letter also offered to assist the President as his administration develops and implements an “aggressive, comprehensive national advanced biofuels policy—one that maximizes innovation and drives commercialization of technologies that hold the greatest promise to reduce our dependence on petroleum, create high quality opportunities for American workers, and deliver a sustainable, low-carbon future for transportation and manufacturing in the United States.”

ABFA President Michael McAdams commented, “Our industry must continue to demonstrate our value to leaders in Washington and find a way to deliver more certainty in public policy frameworks that will quicken the pace and enhance the ability to finance the building of commercial advanced biofuels facilities.”

Brent Erickson, executive vice president of BIO’s Industrial & Environmental Section, stated, “Right now there are more than 65 planned and operating projects in more than 30 states seeking ways to rapidly scale up production of advanced biofuels and biobased products. Already the industry has begun creating jobs and investment opportunities for industry, rural growers, and research institutions.”

ABO Executive Director Mary Rosenthal added, “We continue to reach new and impressive milestones in the development of advanced biofuels from algal biomass, as evidenced by last week’s successful test by the U.S. Navy of a Riverine Command Boat powered by algae-based fuel. With increased certainty and parity in public policy will come the needed public and private sector investments to help the advanced biofuels industry create jobs in every corner of the United States, fostering greater energy independence and national security. Algae is a feedstock that can do this.”

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