Algae’s Advantage

Algae are changing our world again. They have already helped to shape our earth into the hospitable, oxygen abundant place that it is. Now they are quickly becoming a renewable source of fuel, agricultural feed, chemicals, plastics, and so much more. Algae can do all of this because of a few unique advantages.

Energy and Water, and Algae

The 2013 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, scheduled for amendments in Washington, DC as early as today, presents a chance to ramp up production of military biofuels. Domestic biofuels, like those produced from algae, will make our military less dependent on steadily increasing oil prices or the production capacity of other nations.

Support Algae in the Farm Bill Today

Today Senators are considering an amendment to the 2012 farm bill that could improve America’s prospects for new supplies of domestic fuels from algae. Congress needs to hear that there is strong support for mandatory funding in the farm bill’s energy title.

Putting Energy in the Farm Bill

Congress is assembling a new Farm Bill, and one discussion is whether to keep the bill’s Energy Title, a section that for 10 years has been leveraging the power of America’s agricultural industry to wean us from our dependence on foreign oil.