Join ABO and Help Algae Reach its Full Potential

It’s time to renew your membership in the Algae Biomass Organization! Not a member? Not a problem. Join us and become part of an organization that is pushing algae to become a solution for dozens of worldwide challenges.

Join or renew today.

Or read on to learn the full impact you will have as a member of ABO.

Throughout 2016 it was the members of ABO that made possible an aggressive agenda of outreach, education and advocacy that is transforming how customers, investors, policy makers, and others look at algae.

ABO is aggressively working to grow awareness and support for algae in a rapidly expanding universe of applications, including carbon utilization, human and animal nutrition, soil health, energy, and water treatment. Some of ABO’s 2016 efforts included:

Outreach and Education

  • The first ever “Algae Day” at the World Aquaculture Society’s Triennial Meeting provided leading feed companies from around the world an update on the rapid growth of algae-derived feed ingredients
  • ABO assembled the strongest ever presence of algae producer companies at the annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, one of the largest food industry gatherings in the world
  • ABO hosted a briefing for staff at the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory and Office of Fossil Energy on opportunities for biological carbon capture and use
  • The world’s first “Algae Product Showcase” debuted at the Algae Biomass Summit, featuring products from more than two dozen companies – the most diverse collection of algae products ever assembled


  • $30 million in new algae funding from the Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office for a broad set of algae technologies and products
  • Strong findings from the first ever national assessment of algae biomass potential
  • A new $30 million funding opportunity for macroalgae production
  • Promising early discussions with congressional agriculture committee leaders on expanded support for algae in the next farm bill
  • A five-fold increase in funding for carbon utilization research and introduction of legislation to extend carbon capture tax credits to algae and other CCU technologies

This success is to be celebrated, but we have much work to do. The results of the US election are likely to bring seismic shifts in Washington politics that could present both opportunities and significant challenges. The new Administration is likely to devote significant effort to rural revitalization, domestic manufacturing, and infrastructure. But we can also expect significant cuts to federal spending in key programs that have sustained the algae industry for the past decade.

Every current member of ABO, along with the ABO Board of Directors, would welcome your own membership, support, and participation in the organization. We are looking forward to a year of progress – both in Washington and around the globe – in 2017. Join us!

Join or renew today, click here to learn about the benefits that come with ABO membership.