If you read this blog, you are likely familiar with the great potential that algae presents for many diverse industries. Yet some challenges still remain. One of those challenges is the cost of harvesting algae. More specifically dewatering. When algae is harvested, it is accompanied by large volumes of water that need to be extracted, requiring large amounts of energy.
Enter ABO member Global Algae Innovations (GAI). They have come up with an innovative dewatering technique that requires a fraction of the energy required by other techniques in the space. In the words of NREL, “the membrane dewatering performance furnished by GAI…is significantly better than values found elsewhere.” GAI is in fact offering the system for sale in addition to its other activities in the algae space.
In short, this is substantial breakthrough in harvesting and dewatering and one that is being shared to expand the already dynamic algae industry.
More details about the system, its scaling potential and Global Algae Innovations’ other activities can be found in this feature in Biofuels Digest.