Spirulina and the Brady Bunch

Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae, is a superfood: a nutrient powerhouse. Spirulina provides a concentrated source of protein, vitamins and antioxidants with a small amount of healthy fats as well.

Its usage as a nutritional supplement in the U.S. is not surprising due to its well-documented benefits. Spirulina reduces inflammation, helps improve the digestive system, increases iron levels and can lower cholesterol among many other benefits.

The ultimate proof of Spirulina’s prowess? Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots, eats it as a snack. The Brady household’s personal chef helps the family maintain a very healthy diet, emphasizing plant-based, nutrition-heavy foods. In the words of the chef, Allen Campbell, “I make conscious decisions to buy local and organic and to think about the future of the planet and the future of humans.”

We are not surprised that Spirulina made the cut (it is a superfood after all), but it is certainly exciting to have a celebrity endorsement. If Brady is lucky, Spirulina might help propel him into the Superbowl next year.

For those fans or competitors looking to imitate, Campbell recommends Spirulina coupled with banana and pineapple in homemade fruit rolls.

Read the full story here.


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