Algae’s Busy Month – November 2015

Algae leaders have had a busy month, from Solazyme’s algae-based cooking oil to drones being used in the harvest of algae. Find this month’s top algae articles below.

Member News

Solazyme expands aglae oil JV with Bunge to develop ‘breakthrough’ products for food and animal nutrition
Food Navigator USA—Solazyme

Duke scientists making algae biofuel more viable
Duke Chronicle—Marine Algae Industrialization Consortium

UND’s Energy & Environmental Research Center developing eco-friendly drilling fluids
Prairie Business Magazine—Accelergy

Solazyme Inc: Shifting Partnerships Show Improved Focus
Motely Fool—Solazyme

US team weighing up algae strains for use in feed and fuel production
Feed Navigator—Cellana

The Power of Algae: Innovative Fuel

Other Industry News

Burgeoning Uses of Genetically Engineer Algae to Update Guidelines
Bloomberg Bureau of National Affairs

Scientists develop green technology from harmful algal blooms
Hydrogen Fuel News

Floating Drone Harvests Algae for Fuel
Discovery News

More Oil Companies Could Join Exxon Mobil as Focus of Climate Investigations
New York Times