Common Sense Policy and International Partnerships Push the Algae Industry Forward

ABO Executive Director Matt Carr is at the European Algae Biomass Association Conference 2014 in Florence, Italy this week, and during his presentation on Monday he spent some time highlighting policy priorities that can advance the industry in the United States.

Regulations that support carbon dioxide utilization, tax credits for advanced biofuels, and agricultural policies that offer algae farmers the same treatment as those growing other crops can all pave the way for an industry that can provide countless products with minimal impacts on land or freshwater use.

Matt also spent some time on new trend in the algae industry: the growing number of U.S.-based technology developers that are inking agreements with international partners.

A few of the partnership Matt cited:

No doubt these partnerships offer benefits to both parties. Technology developers get access to new markets or investments, and international partners can bring the latest advances to their own shores.

Check out Matt’s full slide deck here: