Sign ABO’s White House Petition to Approve CO2 Recycling as an Emission Reduction Strategy

The 8th annual Algae Biomass Summit kicked off today with the Algae Biomass Organization’s Executive Director Matt Carr challenging the algae industry to think:

Why are we here?

Forest fires, flooding, shrinking ice caps and other environmental disasters are becoming more prevalent and severe due to climate change. Food pressures, energy supplies and water shortages are become more serious economic and security challenges the world over.  Matt reminded the hundreds of Summit attendees that they have gathered in San Diego this week because the algae industry is part of the solution.

As a member of the algae community, you too can take action by signing ABO’s We the People petition to the White House.

The petition asks the White House to ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits states to use carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies  as they work to meet emissions reductions targets set by the agency.

Farming algae requires large quantities of CO2, and using the waste CO2 from power generation to grow algal biomass that can be converted in to fuel, chemicals and other valuable products can flip the cost-equation that is traditionally associated with carbon capture. By recycling CO2 we can simultaneously reduce emissions and stimulate economic growth.

Take the next 2 minutes to support common sense, market-driven, job-creating and emissions-reducing technologies today! Sign the petition here: