Algenol Receives Florida Governor’s Innovator in Business Award

A debate on biofuel policy in Washington, DC isn’t stopping state governments from recognizing that algae-based technologies can deliver more than renewable, domestically produced fuels to our tanks: they are also an invaluable source of innovation, jobs and economic development.

Today Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott announced Algenol Biofuels as the Ft. Myers area winner of the 2013 Governor’s Innovators in Business Awards.

Algenol is undoubtedly one of the world’s most innovative biofuels companies, and they are having a big impact on their community. The company has created over 100 jobs in Lee County since 2010, and has attracted more than $160 million in private investment.

With plans underway to build their first commercial facility in Florida, those first 100 jobs may be just the tip of the iceberg.

“We are proud to be recognized for developing a disruptive and high tech solution for making green fuels below market price. We look forward to working with Enterprise Florida in building the commercial Algenol facility in central Florida where jobs are needed most,” said Algenol’s CEO Paul Woods.

Florida joins a growing list of states that are taking a more active role in attracting companies that are building the algae industry, producing renewable fuels, feed, food, bioplastics and more. Is yours one of them?