Algae Biomass Summit Showcases Innovation in Algae Engineering

The 7th Annual Algae Biomass Summit, taking place in Orlando, Florida, September 30-October 3 highlights a wide range of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs in algae production systems during the Engineering and Analysis track.  Through more than 30 presentations, leading scientists, researchers, and industry innovators will discuss papers and offer presentations on the new methods for analyzing and producing algae-based products such as fuels, animal feed, nutritional products, bioplastics and chemicals.

“Groundbreaking research and best practices from around the industry will be presented at this year’s summit, highlighting the continuing innovation and new approaches to commercialize algae-based products,” said Ron Chance, Senior Scientific Advisor, Physical Sciences at Algenol and Chair of the Summit’s Engineering and Analysis track. “These presentations will showcase the key breakthroughs in production methods, extraction processes and cultivation techniques that can help bring sustainable, algae-based products to a wide range of industrial and consumer markets.”

Highlights from the Engineering and Analysis presentations include:

  • Bounded Opportunities: Physical, Biological, Material and Economic Constraints on Photobioreactor Design

Pete Lammers, Professor, New Mexico State University

  • A Comparison of Two Cultivation Systems: Open Pond and Algae Raceway Integrated Design (ARID)

James Richardson, Regents Professor & Senior Faculty Fellow, Texas A&M University

  • Technical And Economic Aspects for Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae

John Holladay, Manager, Biomass Sector, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

  • Low Energy, Wet Solvent Extraction

Jason Quinn, Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Utah State University

You can find the full agenda for the Algae Biomass Summit here, and remember to sign up by August 19th to take advantage of early bird registration.