2013 EDGE Biofuels Certificates and Scholarships

The Educating and Developing workers for the Green Economy (EDGE) Initiative was started with funding from the California Department of Labor to create and launch training programs in anticipation of the growth of the biofuels and industrial biotechnology sectors. Based on the EDGE Biofuels Science Technician Certificate run in 2011 and 2012, the San Diego Center for Algae Biotechnology (SD-CAB) and UC San Diego Extension is launching two Specialized Certificates in Biofuels, starting in January 2013.

You can learn more about the new 2013 EDGE Biofuels Certificates and Scholarships at http://algae.ucsd.edu/edge.html.

Changes for 2013 include funding for around 20 students to receive 50% scholarships for either of the Biofuels Certificate programs.  A second scholarship application round will likely be announced in early February.  The lecture courses will now also be entirely online.  Lab courses will be taught in an intensive format on the UCSD campus for 4 weeks during the summer, with some labs taught in the evening to minimize disruption to students’ employment.  The program does have some limited student housing and meal plans available on campus for those not based in San Diego to attend the summer labs.  International students are welcome.  And students also enroll in individual classes, rather than the whole certificate.

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