A Crop of Crude

Sapphire's Green Crude produced from algae
Sapphire's Green Crude produced from algae

Jim Lane over at Biofuels Digest recently visited the new Green Crude Farm just opened by Sapphire Energy in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and he has some great pictures posted today.

The farm is a game-changing play to make fuels with 300 acres of algae ponds and refining facilities. Algae crops are grown in brackish water pumped from New Mexico’s saline aquifers, while using the region’s ample sunlight and C02 provided by Linde, a leading industrial gas provider.

The result is crude oil that is “Suitable, as with all crude, for shipping to refineries for conversion to everyday fuel and chemical products.”

Read about Biofuels Digest’s close look at the facility—and why West Texas might be the future algae center of the world–here.

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