Booth space and sponsorships for the Algae Biomass Summit in Denver, CO, September 24-27, 2012 are already going fast. We wanted to take a moment to remind those considering attending about the benefits of exposure in the exhibit hall, and that last year’s floor sold out. Right now, we are more than 70% sold out and have little room for expansion. Sponsorships are still available, but we are more than 200% ahead with commitments.
Exhibitors at ABS come from across the algae value chain—meaning they are often not just algae producers.
Suppliers and manufacturers of equipment, universities, state and federal agencies, and entrepreneurs have all recognized the importance of getting exposure at the most high-profile algae conference in the world.
All of them come to make valuable contacts at a conference that always has something new to offer in technology advancements, state and federal policy updates, finance & investment, and commercialization trends.
The list of past exhibitors includes a wide range of interests, and in surveys from previous Summits they consistently report on the value of new contacts and information obtained during the event.
You can find out how to exhibit at the Algae Biomass Summit’s exhibitor’s webpage.