There is more to algae that the wide range of products they can produce. Their efficient conversion of energy and their ability to thrive in saltwater make them a unique agricultural crop that can thrive in hostile environments. It can even improve them.
This advantage has not gone unnoticed by those looking for ways to improve the resources available to parts of the word with difficult water or agricultural conditions.
The Norway-based Sahara Forest Project is one effort that hopes algae can be a part of its mission “to utilize what we have enough of to produce what we need more of.”
They are currently looking for an algae cultivation coordinator to help operate a facility in Qatar, where the algae will be one component of system that seeks to also use solar, aquaculture and desert agriculture technologies to improve the food and energy resources available in desert areas.
The Sahara Forest Project is one of many around the globe that are attempting to solve intertwined challenges with coordinated solutions. It is only natural that the diverse potential of algae should be part of the suite of technologies they are beginning to deploy.
Find out more about the Sahara Forest Project here (PDF).