In an effort to increase the visibility of our organization, interface with other aligned stakeholders and profile the work of many of our member companies, ABO Interim Executive Director, Jon Kallen, was an invited speaker at two events this past month.
SAF Agriculture Summit – St. Louis, Missouri (September 7, 2023).

This Summit had over 60 attendees from throughout the U.S. and included SAF producers (corn growers, soy growers, animal fat producers), refiners (GEVO and Lanzajet) end users, and federal funders (USDA, DOE BETO). During this Summit, Jon was able to showcase the efforts of ABO members in SAF production and highlight our industry needs to include increased scale, and needed efficiencies in processing (via Hydrothermal liquefaction).
Water Environment Federation RISE (Research and Innovation for Strengthening Engagement) Committee (September 19, 2023)
WEF’s RISE committee held a virtual webcast to showcase algae based wastewater treatment. Over 150 attendees participated in this webcast. Other presenters/facilitators included ABO Members Dr. Craig Just from the University of Iowa, College of Engineering, Dr. Martin Gross from GWT, and Dr. Hannah Molitor representing Clearas Solutions. During Jon’s presentation, he provided an overview of the work of ABO to include a discussion showcasing the efforts of our wastewater treatment members to include GWT, AlgaeWheel, MicroBio Engineering and Clearas Solutions.
We are just beginning to plan for ABO’s 2024 events schedule. Reach out if you’d like to see algae representation or expertise at your own conference, round table discussions or other event. ABO staff and members are available to explore the algae and seaweed opportunity!