October 11, 2023, 12:15-4:00 pm
Buses depart from the Monona Terrace Convention Center
$150 for ABO members, $175 for non-members.
Attendees of the 2023 Algae Biomass Summit will have the option of seeing some of the latest algae wastewater treatment technologies from ABO member CLEARAS in action. Participants will tour the EcoRecover systems at the wastewater treatment plant for the city of Waupun, Wisconsin.

The CLEARAS EcoRecover is an advanced wastewater nutrient recovery system that delivers clean water for reuse or discharge, decarbonizes client operations, and provides a method of plant-based material generation for eco-friendly product development. The Waupun EcoRecover facility is the largest such facility to date, processing 2.14 million gallons per day and designed to recover over 60 pounds of phosphorus, 480 pounds of ammonia and sequester over 6,500 pounds of carbon dioxide per day. For every 1 pound of algae biomass produced, 2.2 pounds of carbon dioxide are sequestered.
During this 3 hour walking tour, participants will see all four phases of the EcoRecover process: mixing, recovery, separating and harvesting. At each phase participants will have the opportunity to view a detailed process flow and put questions to facility operators. EcoRecover is built using state of the art equipment and leverages a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system (known as AIMS) to manage the relationship between biological and mechanical processes and maximize performance.
This tour will offer a rare opportunity to see these technologies first-hand. EcoRecover is a breakthrough in biomimicry, which is the practice of learning from and mimicking strategies found in nature to solve human, industrial challenges.
The tour is only available to registered Summit attendees, and seating will be limited. Light snacks and beverages will be provided.