This month the Algae Biomass Organization welcomes CLEARAS Solutions as our latest Silver-level member. CLEARAS is a Montana-based company that specializes in using algae to recover nutrients, sequester carbon dioxide and generate plant-based material for reliable bioproducts that can replace traditional, fossil fuel based supply chains. The company has participated in over $50 million of projects in the last three years and currently has systems operating in several locations including Montana, Utah, and Wisconsin. The company has worked with a variety of clients, including municipalities, food and beverage producers, auto manufacturers, pulp and paper mills and agricultural operations.
Wastewater Resource Recovery as a Service
CLEARAS is pioneering a delivery model that allows clients to streamline how they take advantage of the sustainability and carbon management benefits of the technology. These advantages could include new revenue streams from the bioproducts generated, carbon credits, or performance improvements that come from using plant-based feedstocks.
By operationalizing “resource recovery as a service” CLEARAS is finding that their partnerships can be designed to more efficiently take advantage of tax incentives, deliver on real carbon sequestration, and provide the budget predictability of a long-term service agreement.
Integrating Algae Into Net Zero Initiatives
CLEARAS’ solution is especially appealing for industrial and municipal clients advancing Net Zero or ESG initiatives aimed at decarbonization and wastewater resource recovery. These kinds of initiatives are successful when the results are real, and when the strategies used can meet bottom line business needs. CLEARAS’ technology first starts to meet these bottom-line requirements by minimizing energy consumption, eliminating the use of harsh chemicals in water treatment, and reducing costs. The result is a water treatment option that virtually any municipality or industrial partner will find attractive.
Yet the business case is amplified by the environmental and sustainability benefits that come with producing biomaterials that can replace fossil fuels or decarbonization strategies for a firm that needs to offset emissions in its own operations (Scope 1), or somewhere downstream in the supply chain (Scope 3). As more firms seek real sustainability results, the EcoRecover solution will continue to rise to the top.

Attendees of the 2023 Algae Biomass Summit will have a unique opportunity to see CLEARAS’ approach firsthand. The Summit will be offering an exclusive tour of the company’s facility in Waupun, Wisconsin. The finished project features a 35,000 sq ft greenhouse and a 300,000 gallon mix tank. It will be able to produce up to 3,000lbs of dry biomaterial per day, which can translate into thousands of dollars in market value. Sign up for the Summit to get an invitation.
For more information check out CLEARAS’s website for call their cofounder Kevin McGraw at 406-381-3422.
Welcome CLEARAS Solutions!