Welcoming ABO’s New Interim Executive Director Jon Kallen

By Martin Gross

2023 is going to see some exciting changes at the Algae Biomass Organization. We are saying goodbye to some familiar faces, but also excited to welcome a new wave of members and leaders dedicated to advancing algae and seaweeds. 

Dr. Rebecca White, ABO’s executive director since 2020, is moving on from her role at the organization. We are grateful for her contributions. She successfully navigated ABO during the turbulence of the COVID-19 pandemic, helped us introduce the Algae for Food and Feed initiative, pushed policy that has directed millions in R&D funding, and much more. Rebecca has been involved in our industry for some time, and I have no doubt that her legacy is only beginning.

To keep up the momentum that Rebecca started, the board of directors is excited to introduce Jon Kallen as ABO’s new interim executive director. Jon is an attorney and engineer that has worked closely with algae startups and investors. He brings over 20 years of experience in the agricultural technology, biotechnology, renewable energy, regulated energy, water/wastewater infrastructure, sustainable manufacturing, and other environmental services sectors. 

All these sectors are seeing disruptive innovations from algae and seaweed. Jon’s experience and connections will be an enormous asset as we work to help our members take advantage of the opportunities that span the global economy. 

Jon will be coordinating directly with ABO members to direct our various initiatives. He has already welcomed Eurofin Craft Technologies, Cattlemen’s Heritage Beef Company, Impact7G and UHY Advisors as new members. He is also coordinating with the planning committee for the 2023 Algae Biomass Summit to ensure that both the research community and the commercialization efforts in our industry are succeeding together to create new, sustainable solutions to global challenges based on algae and seaweed. 

ABO’s board is introducing new responsibilities for the executive director position gradually, and so Jon is serving on an interim basis for these first few months of 2023. The role will likely expand as we get deeper into the year. 

Please join me in welcoming Jon to ABO. Those of us who know him are excited to have him on board. You can connect with him directly at jkallen@algaebioass.org. 

Martin Gross is the Chair of the Board of Directors at the Algae Biomass Organization. He is also President and Founder of Gross-Wen Technologies