Make the Holiday Meal With Algae

The holidays are a time to gather with friends and family. As the conversation drifts from topic to topic, don’t forget to put in a few words for algae!

Putting algae into the meal is a great way to get the conversation started. Algae can be easily included in a number of recipes, and ingredients based on algae are widely available, from whole spirulina powder made by Earthrise, Cyanotech and Valensa, to Thrive’s algae-based cooking oil.

Cookies are a great way to introduce a crowd to algae as a food. Try these vegan cookies made with matcha and chlorella. Not ready to cook? The Cookie Company makes their vegan “fully functional” cookies with algae butter. Visit their website to find a store near you.

Algae can make its way into every part of the holiday meal.  Give your guests a sample of PopZero popcorn, or build a course around Blue Evolution Pasta. You can also make algae the main event by serving algae-fed salmon available under the brand names Blue Circle and SilversideĀ® Coho Salmon

However algae makes it into your meal, ABO wishes you the best holidays. We will see you in 2020!