$500 Student Travel Grants to the 2019 Algae Biomass Summit

Get your abstracts for the 2019 Algae Biomass Summit ready! The Algae Foundation has announced that it is offering $500 travel grants to attend the 13th Annual Algae Biomass Summit in Orlando, Florida, from September 16-19, 2019.

More information on the Mary Rosenthal Student Travel Grant can be found here.

The priority deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2019, although abstracts will be considered past that point.

When you submit your 2019 Algae Biomass Summit Abstract, please select “Yes” at the end of the application to receive more information about the Student Travel Grant!

To qualify students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an ABO Member ($75 for Students);
  • Be a high school, undergraduate, graduate student or pre-doctoral student or
  • Be a PhD with a post-doctoral appointment and is currently involved in a full-time academic research program for no longer than 2 years.
  • Submit an abstract to present a poster or oral presentation at ABS 2018 and be the presenting author of the abstract. 
  • Provide a suggested budget to attend the Summit
  • Provide a current letter of recommendation for ABS 2019 from an academic advisor.

Please contact Philip Pienkos at philip.pienkos@nrel.gov for more information.