Voices from the Algae Biomass Summit: Get the most out of your algal strain with Algenuity

This post is part of a series authored by sponsors and exhibitors from the 2018 Algae Biomass Summit, which recently concluded just outside Houston, Texas. 

by Algenuity

We use our high throughput Algem HT24 system to perform multiparametric bioprocess optimizationDid you visit us at this year’s Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) Summit in Texas? Attendees were able to see our Algem® photobioreactor in action, and speak to us about our multiparametric optimization.

At Algenuity, we take a radically different statistical modeling approach to help you get the most from your algal strains. We can improve your process and outcome by discovering which parameters are most important and co-optimizing them, while also uncovering hidden parameter interactions. We statistically model your process to accurately predict better conditions, which rapidly increases your yields, defines tolerances, improves your process economics and decreases your time to market.

We have demonstrated successful application of this advanced scientific approach to increase the biomass yield of Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) by 235 %, and astaxanthin production in Haematococcus pluvialis to 6.9 % dry weight. “We are excited by the results we have achieved for these commercially important microalgae,” commented Andrew Spicer, Algenuity CEO. “We are confident in applying our expertize and technology to improve microalgal industry outputs, driving the industry to success, renewed investment and growth”.

Missed us at this year’s ABO Summit? Don’t worry – contact us to see how we can optimize your strain, improve your outputs, and support you in your ultimate success story.

Visit https://www.algenuity.com/ to find out more.