2025 Algae Biomass Summit
TEMPE, Ariz (February 25, 2025)
The Algae Biomass Organization Summit comes to Arizona State University, Memorial Union in Tempe, Arizona on October 19-21, 2025.
Save The Date! The 2025 ABS Planning Committee has started working on planning so stay tuned for updates on Abstract submission deadlines and early bird registration. Please check for more information in the upcoming months http://www.algaebiomasssummit.org.
New this year, The Algae Biomass Organization will not have a dedicated summit hotel (with block of rooms), however we will provide you will area hotels when registration opens so you can reserve your rooms early. Fortunately, there are lots of hotel options in the Phoenix/Tempe market to accommodate all price ranges and requirements. Also, we will have only one track (with no breakout sessions) this year which will make it easier to attend all sessions as well as free up your time to network with attendees and to visit the exhibitors. Lastly, we are looking into offering an optional tour of The Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation (AzCATI) during this year’s Summit. More information will follow soon.
Thank you for your patience with our announcement. This year’s Summit should be exceptional!