Solazyme Raises $52 Million

Solazyme Inc., a South San Francisco, Calif.-based developer of biofuels through the use of microalgae, has raised $52 million in Series D funding. Morgan Stanley and return backer Braemar Energy Ventures co-led the round, and were joined by insiders Lightspeed Venture Partners, The Roda Group, Harris and Harris Group, VantagePoint Venture Partners, Zygote Ventures, CTTV Investments and …

Advanced Biofuel Trade Associations Express Support for Tax Policy on Second-Generation Biofuels

For Immediate Release Contacts: Paul Winters, BIO, 202-962-9237 Tom Alexander, ABFA, 202-262-4284 John Williams, ABO, 206-625-0075 WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 27, 2010) – As Congress takes action on critical tax incentive packages, the leading advanced biofuel trade associations reemphasized the importance of advanced biofuels as promising opportunities for the United States to reduce its reliance on …

Exploring Algae as Fuel

SAN DIEGO — In a laboratory where almost all the test tubes look green, the tools of modern biotechnology are being applied to lowly pond scum. Foreign genes are being spliced into algae and native genes are being tweaked. Different strains of algae are pitted against one another in survival-of-the-fittest contests in an effort to …

Rosetta Green and Seambiotic Will Collaborate in the Development of Improved Algal Strains for the Biofuel Industry

REHOVOT and ASHKELON, Israel, July 26, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rosetta Green, a company specializing in the identification of unique genes in plants and algae for the cleantech and plant biotech industries and Seambiotic, a company specializing in the growth of algae at industrial scale, announced yesterday that they have signed a collaboration agreement to …