ABO Members Awarded DOE Support for Bioenergy Research and Development

On July 31 the Department of Energy announced more than $97 million in funding for 33 projects that will support high-impact technology research and development to accelerate the bioeconomy. Several algae projects were awarded a total of more than $21 million, funding that was made possible with bi-partisan support in Congress

ABO corporate, academic and student members represented many of the awardees:

Global Algae Innovations, San Diego, CA
Production of Algae Biofuel and Bioproducts with CO2 Direct Air Capture
Scale-up of Novel Algae Drying and Extraction Unit Operations

Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Transforming High pH/High Alkalinity Cultivation through Beneficial Microbiomes and Improved Pond Design

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
ASU’s Polymer-enhanced Cyanobacterial Bioproductivity (AUDACity)

University of California – San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Biomolecular Films for Direct Air Capture of CO2

MicroBio Engineering, Inc., San Luis Obispo, CA
Microalgae Commodities Production with a Direct Air Capture Process

Lumen Bioscience, Incorporated, Seattle, WA
Alkaline Carbon Capture and Expression-Streamlined Spirulina Cultivated in Air for Reliable Bioproducts, Oil, and Nutrition

Duke University, Beaufort, NC
Development of High Value Bioproducts and Enhancement of Direct-Air-Capture Efficiency with a Marine Algae Biofuel Production System

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL
Process Optimization and Real-Time Control for Synergistic Microalgae Cultivation and Wastewater Treatment.

Utah State University, Logan UT
Synergistic Municipal Wastewater Treatment Using a Rotating Algae Biofilm Reactor.

Many of these awardees will be represented at the virtual Algae Biomass Summit. Register today to begin collaborating with the leaders of the algae agriculture revolution.

Biofuels Digest reports on all of the awards here.

See all of the selected projects here.