BrightWave Brings Industrial Scale Algae Cultivation Indoors

From its headquarters in Maryland, ABO member BrightWave is combining elegant technology design with nature’s own carbon capture methods to make industrial scale algae cultivation more widely available than ever before.  Aside from transforming industrial scale algae cultivation, BrightWave’s technology also delivers on two of the most promising potentials driving interest in photosynthetic algae today: …

How Algae-C’s Platform Technology Delivers For Pharmaceuticals, and Gives a Boost to Algae Producers

Headquartered in Ontario, Canada, Algae-C is using algae as a biomanufacturing platform to produce key ingredients for the pharmaceutical and other industries, as well as biomass that is valuable for feed, food and energy markets. It is a breakthrough approach that brings together the unique biological advantages of algae with the diversity of production capacity …

Congress Directs Millions to Algae and Seaweed R&D for 2022

On March 15, ABO’s efforts to build a robust foundation for algae and seaweed technology research in the United States scored another win as President Biden signed a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package to fund the federal government through fiscal year 2022.  Several federal agencies support research and development for algae in all 50 states, …

Submit an Abstract to the Algae Biomass Summit

This Friday, April 15, 2022 is the last day to submit abstracts for the virtual 2022 Algae Biomass Summit and also receive priority scoring by the event’s review committee. Join hundreds of attendees this October 3-28 to share milestones, make new connections, and plan for the future of the microalgae and seaweed industries. Abstracts for …

Watch ABO’s Workshop: Algae in Aquafeed – Opportunities, Barriers and Challenges

On March 5, 2022 ABO hosted a virtual and in-person workshop in San Diego to explore how the world’s aquaculture industries can use macroalgae (seaweeds) and microalgae to improve sustainability and productivity. More than 60 people from all over the world participated, and great progress was made to identify the potentials and challenges for algae …