
Members of the Algae Biomass Organization are eligible to serve on a number of committees that help shape the organization’s mission, events, legislative priorities and industry support efforts. Serving on a committee is a great way to help advance algae technologies and product commercialization while also establishing a professional pedigree within in the algae industry. Ready to make a contribution? Become member today!

ABO’s currently active committees include:

Executive Policy Council

The Executive Policy Council (EPC) reports directly to the ABO Board of Directors and is responsible for establishing and executing ABO’s policy priorities.

ABO, through the work of the EPC, has brought unprecedented policy support to the algae industry, including:

  • Over $100 million in Department of Energy funding for algae research, development and demonstration over the past 4 years
  • New funding stream through DOE’s Fossil Energy Office to support algae and other systems for Carbon Capture and Use/Reuse
  • $1.01 per gallon tax credit for algae-derived biofuels
  • S. Department of Agriculture funding for feed trials and other research to help bring algae-based fish- and animal feeds to market

EPC participation is available to ABO members at the Gold, Platinum and Diamond membership levels, as well as the current Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors and one Director representative to be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Events Committee

The purpose of the Events Committee is to organize and oversee events hosted by the Algae Biomass Organization, whether such events are open to Members only or the general public.  The goal of the Committee is to create events that increase and retain membership in the ABO by offering educational and trade opportunities to the ABO membership that will advance the purpose and mission of the ABO.

Technical Standards

The purpose of the Technical Standards Committee is to develop, review and comment upon, and advocate for the industry standards and best practices for the general benefit of the algal biomass industry.  The algal industry is divided into five functional sub-industry segments; each segment will have distinct specifications, standards of measurement, and operational protocols that define and regulate value delivery.

Membership Development

The purpose of the Membership Development Committee is to develop membership interest across a broad spectrum of companies, institutions, and individuals that are engaged in creating this new algal biomass industry. 

Director Recruitment Committee

The Director Recruitment Committee shall consist of a maximum of three (3) Directors appointed by resolution of the Board and entitled to serve so long as they are Directors or until they resign or are removed from the Director Recruitment Committee. The purpose of the Director Recruitment Committee shall be to recommend to the Board, for nomination to the Members, appropriate candidates for election as Directors of the Corporation. Duties of the Director Recruitment Committee shall be as follows: (i) consult with Directors and Members to seek recommendations of Members that are fit to serve as Directors according to the Bylaws; (ii) conduct appropriate background checks on potential Director candidates, whether through interviews or otherwise, (ii) submit a report to the Board on an annual basis containing recommendations regarding which Members should be nominated by the Board for election of Directors at the annual membership meeting; (iv) oversee and coordinate with officers to ensure election of Directors is conducted consistent with the Bylaws; (v) coordinate its efforts and cooperate with other Committees; and (vi) and perform any other duty that the Board, by resolution adopted by a majority  of Directors in office, may require consistent with the purpose of the Director Recruitment Committee.

By-Laws & Government Committee

The Bylaw Review and Governance Committee consists of three (3) Directors appointed by resolution of the Board. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the Bylaws are functioning efficiently and in the best interests of the Corporation.  Duties of the Bylaw Review and Governance Committee are as follows:  (i) consult with the chairperson of each Committee from time to time to determine whether amendments to these Bylaws are necessary or desirable; (ii) consult with other Directors from time to time to determine whether amendments to these Bylaws are necessary or desirable; (iii) coordinate with the Corporation’s legal counsel regarding amendments to the Bylaws or the development of resolutions that are necessary or desirable; (iv) coordinate its efforts and cooperate with other Committees; and (v) and perform any other duty that the Board, by resolution adopted by a majority of Directors in office, may require consistent with the purpose of the Bylaw Review and Governance Committee.

Join a Committee

Are you interested in joining an ABO Committee?
If so, please send a request to Barb Scheevel, ABO Administrative Coordinator.
Please list the Committees you are willing to serve on and the qualifications and experience you would bring to those Committees.

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