Algae Biomass Summit 2015 Mary Rosenthal Memorial Student Travel Grants

The Algae Foundation, ABO’s sister organization, is pleased to announce that it is offering $500 travel grants to attend the 9th Annual Algae Biomass Summit in Washington, DC, USA, from September 29 through October 2, 2015.

Purpose – To provide support for graduate students attending the Algae Biomass Summit (ABS) 2015

Award – Each Algae Foundation Student Travel Grant Award is $500 for use only in attending ABS 2015

Eligibility – to qualify for consideration the student must:

  • Be an ABO Member;
  • Be an undergraduate, graduate student or pre-doctoral student or
  • Be a PhD with a post-doctoral appointment and is currently involved in a full time academic research program for no longer than 2 years.
  • Submit an abstract to present a poster or oral presentation at ABS 2015 and be the presenting author of the abstract.
  • Provide a suggested budget to attend the Summit
  • Provide a current letter of recommendation for ABS 2015 (See below.)

Selection Criteria:

  • The relevance and scientific quality of the submitted abstract
  • The student has not received a similar travel grant award in the last two years
  • Only one travel grant per laboratory

The applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or department head on official letterhead including the following information:

  • The letter must state that the student is expected to be active in the training or degree program at the time of the meeting, or, if the student has completed their terminal degree, the actual date of completion.

All applications and materials should be sent to:

  • Barb Scheevel, Algae Foundation Administrative Coordinator
  • Email:
  • Address:
    • 125 St. Paul Street, P.O. Box 369
    • Preston, MN 55965

 Student Travel Grant Application deadline is May 15, 2015.

Selection Process – Selection is made by the Algae Foundation Travel Grant Selection Committee. The awards are highly competitive. If a grant recipient cannot present the accepted abstract, the recipient MUST notify the Algae Foundation as soon as possible. The grant will be rescinded and awarded to an alternate.

Award Notification: Awardees will be notified by June 15, 2015.