NETL Announces Funding Opportunity for Algae Industry on CO2 Utilization

Application Deadline: March 9, 2015
New Deadline: March 16, 2015

The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has recently added algae to an existing funding opportunity announcement (FOA) aimed at R&D for “Transformational Carbon Dioxide Capture Technologies for Coal-Fired Power Plants.”  The funding opportunity was amended to insert a new area of interest:  Area of Interest 4 – Biological CO2 Use/Conversion, and the FOA specifically states, “For the purpose of this solicitation, biological use/conversion applications should be limited to aquatic species, such as microalgae and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria).”

This is significant policy advancement for the algae industry and one that ABO has been actively pushing.  We applaud NETL for their interest in algae as a means of utilizing CO2.  This solicitation is an effort by the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory to gather information they need to determine whether they should make future investments in algae as a means of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.  NETL is specifically interested in algae’s capacity to reduce atmospheric CO2 as well as the technological and economic feasibility of algae CO2 utilization.  NETL is most interested in technologies which produce bulk commodities like fuel and chemicals.

You can find the full documentation for this opporttunity on