Algae Biomass Organization Applauds Senator Boxer & Senate Environment and Public Works Committee for Inclusion of Algae-based Fuels in Climate Bill

ABO believes provisions will strengthen algae industry, promote development and commercialization of algae-based fuels

WASHINGTON, D.C. – October 28, 2009 – The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO), the leading trade association for the industry, today recognized the leadership of Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, for including the RFS amendment offered by Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Chair of the Senate Energy Committee, and Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) in the Chairman’s mark of the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act (S. 1733). The amendment effectively levels the playing field for advanced green biofuel feedstocks, and recognizes the potential of algae to reduce CO2 emissions, create jobs and increase the nation’s energy independence.

The key provision in the chairman’s mark clarifies the mandates outlined in the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) of the Clean Air Act. The “Advanced Green Biofuels” amendment establishes greenhouse gas reduction targets for the fuels produced from the renewable biomass and clarifies that algae and other renewable biomass which meet these standards qualify under the RFS.

“By adding the Bingaman-Carper amendment, Senator Boxer and her colleagues on the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works have addressed one of the biggest challenges to commercialization of algae-based biofuels – parity with other feedstocks,” said Mary Rosenthal, Executive Director of the ABO. “Since algae-based fuels meet the requirements of the RFS for emissions reductions and renewable biomass, it is only fair that they be treated the same as other feedstocks.”

In addition, ABO recognized the participation and leadership of Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) who supported algae-based fuels during the process.

About the ABO
The Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and advocate for the development of commercially-viable transportation and power generation fuels as well as other non-energy applications for algae biomass. Its membership is comprised of people, companies and organizations across the value chain. More information about ABO, including its leadership, membership, costs, benefits and members and their affiliations, is available at the website.

John Williams, Scoville PR for ABO