E2 Advanced Biofuel Market Report 2014

Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2)’s fourth annual Advanced Biofuel Market Report was made public last week and many ABO member companies can be found within the report.

The Advanced Biofuel Market Report catalogs the growths and challenges in the advanced biofuel industry, estimating the capacity of the industry through 2017. The scope includes advanced biofuel producers and related companies in the United States and Canada achieving at least a 50% reduction in carbon emissions.

According to the report, “A notable trend in 2014 has been innovation in some companies’ paths to commercialization. While many companies continue to commercialize with a large biorefinery, other companies are looking at more distributed generation models, which are less capital and feedstock intensive.”

While the report focuses primarily on U.S developments, it does acknowledge that international development and partnerships will impact how advanced biofuel technologies evolve domestically. One example mentioned in the report is Sapphire Energy‘s collaboration with oil giant Sinopec, demonstrating the feasibility of algae-derived crude oil through projects in China.

The Advanced Biofuel Market Report estimates that advanced biofuel capacity in the U.S. will grow from about 800 million gallons of gasoline equivalent in 2014 to more than 1.7 billion gallons equivalent in 2017 on the high end.

The report lists a number of companies in the US that are looking to algae for advanced biofuels, including:

Algae Systems, producing biocrude

Algenol, producing ethanol

Altranex, producing renewable diesel

Aquatech Bioenergy, producing ethanol

Envergent Technologies (Honeywell UOP/Ensyn), producing multiple renewable fuels

Phycal, producing multiple renewable fuels

Sapphire Energy, producing green crude

Several other algae companies and facilities are listed as among those that will come online by 2017, and others that are producers of algae feedstocks, including:


AlgaeVenture Systems


BioProcess Algae



Kent Bioenergy

Matrix Genetics

Renewed World Energies


MicorBio Engineering

Open Algae

It is inspiring to see algae so well represented among the many technologies being pursued by the advanced biofuels community!

Read the entire E2 Advanced Biofuel Market Report 2014 here.