October 11, 2023, 12:15 pm
Buses depart from the Monona Terrace Convention Center
$125 for ABO members, $150 for non-members.
Members of the Algae Biomass Organization have saved thousands of dollars with the exclusive testing discounts offered by Eurofins Craft Technologies. At the 2023 Algae Biomass Summit, attendees will have a chance to see the company’s newly opened laboratory and testing technologies in action at their facility in Madison, Wisconsin.
The 1.5 hour tour will appeal to any Algae Biomass Summit attendee with an interest in the latest in laboratory operations. Attendees will be exposed to several techniques and technologies supporting food and dietary supplement testing that are crucial for new product development and commercial production.
Algae and seaweed producers and researchers will be able to view a state of the art sample processing system, stability program management, incubation facilities, testing laboratories for vitamins, nutrients, contaminants and specialty testing as well as technological and automated solutions for testing capabilities.
Laboratory directors will be on hand to answer questions and describe the facility’s operations. Tour participants will also be able to learn more about how ABO members can take advantage of testing discounts offered by Eurofins Craft Technologies.
The tour is only available to registered Summit attendees, and seating will be limited. Sack lunch and beverages will be provided.
Personal protective equipment (lab coats, safety eyeward, etc.) will be provided. No open toed shoes will be permitted on the tour. Clothing that covers legs down to the shoes is preferred, but not required.
Register for the Summit today to get your tour invitation.
Learn more about Eurofins Craft Technologies.